

Your holiday starts with Guestfriend.

Thousands of hosts are part of the Guestfriend app to accompany you on your vacation. Find your accommodation now and discover information, offers and recommendations for your vacation directly from your host.

4.8 out of 5 stars

in the app stores

9 million users

use our products per year

Find thousands of accommodations


Discover hundreds of travel guides


From your host.
For you.

The free Guestfriend app makes your vacation smarter, more relaxed and better all round: everything is always at hand, no more long searches, no more missed highlights - our app is your personal travel companion with 24-hour service.

Information for your stay

Find arrival and departure information, the guest A-Z, menus, opening hours, WLAN access data, recommendations, etc.

Offers & services

Book offers from your accommodation (SPA, breakfast service, room service, etc.), make reservations and much more!

Direct contact

Chat directly with your host and receive push messages with the latest information and offers.

Travel guides

Discover recommended trips, sights, attraction, routes, tours, weather forecasts and more for your holiday region.

Download the app now for free and enjoy a relaxed holiday.

Enjoy the anticipation. Experience your vacation.

A really great app! You can get a great impression of the hotel in advance. I also think it’s great that I can book my massage through them. Brilliant app 5 stars!

Whether information on accommodation or the surrounding area (including suggestions for hikes), all the essential topics for your vacation are presented in an appealing way.

Modern, clear, uncomplicated & very informative without being overloaded. We are delighted with the Guestfriend app and its functions. Attractive layout included!

I think the Guestfriend app is great, you can easily manage your orders, appointments or requests via the app. It displays information and interesting facts so that you have everything at your fingertips, even when you’re on the move.

When guests become friends.

With Guestfriend, you can offer your guests a smart Digital Guest Directory – modern, practical and exactly what your guests are looking for. Present your accommodation in our “Guestfriend” app and accompany your guests from booking to departure and beyond – easily and digitally. Over 7,000 customers worldwide already use Guestfriend for:

More service

More sales

More time

Simply leave your contact details. Your contact person will get back to you as soon as possible to answer your questions.

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Simply leave your contact details. Your contact person will get back to you as soon as possible to answer your questions.

Simply leave your contact details. Your contact person will get back to you as soon as possible to answer your questions.

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