

The Info Channel for
clinics and hospitals


Inform. Entertain. Inspire.

The Info Channel is indispensable for every clinic that strives for progressive patient communication: On screens in public areas or room televisions, it offers a dynamic and always up-to-date way of informing patients and visitors in real time about important things to know, news, offers and events – without any paper.This not only contributes to better orientation, but also reduces the workload of staff, as frequently asked questions are answered directly on the screens. It also ensures greater patient satisfaction and contributes to sustainability.Our digital solutions can be customised and are suitable for all healthcare facilities:



Rehab clinics

Outpatient clinics

Clinic groups

Specialist departments

The Info Channel for your clinic or hospital

The info channel transforms the way you communicate information in your facility and offers you a user-friendly solution for communicating with your patients and visitors: It presents your videos (lectures, health education, etc.), current information, news, weather forecasts, events and much more in an appealing design – whether on screens in public areas or televisions in the rooms.


Benefits of the Info Channel

Greater satisfaction

Digital technologies meet your patients' expectations for modern services.

Improved service

The digital service complements personal care and is available to your patients around the clock.

Reduced workload

Frequently asked questions from your patients are eliminated, your offers are requested digitally and processes are simplified.

One step ahead

Benefit from the digital transformation and gain a competitive advantage.

Lower costs

The workload is reduced and processes are organised more efficiently – saving time and money.

More sustainability

Digital Patient Support reduces printouts, flyers and plastic and enables contactless services.


What our customers say

DRV SchwabenAndrea Steinbacher
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"The “Digital Patient Guide” promotes the satisfaction of our rehabilitants, saves valuable time for clinic staff, simplifies work processes and reduces paper. However, not only well-informed and satisfied patients are important to us: It is also about moving with the times and offering a modern service. The “Digital Patient Guide” helps our patients to find their way around and feel comfortable with us right from the start. The link to the travel guides of nearby regions is particularly popular."
Paracelsus-Klinik ScheideggSwenja Gruhn
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"With the app, we can inform our patients as quickly as possible about the latest news, such as events or important things to know during their stay at our clinic. All of this is environmentally friendly without using paper. We save time and money and our patients are always up to date."
Waldburg-Zeil KlinikenEllio Schneider
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"We want our young patients to be fully informed about their stay at the Waldburg-Zeil Kliniken and thus feel comfortable. For me, it is particularly important that the children and young people can use Hotelcore’s patient guide in advance. Families receive all the information they need at a glance and can use it to make their preparations. This also saves us time in administration – even during the treatment. Most questions are answered with just a few clicks."
DRV Bund und DRV NordbayernDonat Sammer
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"If only every new digitisation project were so simple and unproblematic! Together with Hotelcore, we have succeeded in getting our employees excited about a digital measure. Using the Hotelcore products is intuitive, and we customise all content quickly and easily when necessary. The support provided by Hotelcore in the run-up to the implementation was excellent and worked very well. And the patients are also delighted: We regularly analyse usage and the figures speak for themselves."
Kurzentrum SonnenscheinStefan Lobenz
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"What we like most about Hotelcore is that it has enabled us to significantly reduce the amount of paper our guests have to deal with on arrival. Sending push notifications, e. g. in the event of acute changes to the daily routine or treatment cancellations, is also much quicker and easier for all patients in the building than would be the case with a notice board."

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Simply leave your contact details. Your contact person will get back to you as soon as possible to answer your questions.

Simply leave your contact details. Your contact person will get back to you as soon as possible to answer your questions.

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